Stanford Area Trails

Support from the Midpeninsula Open Space District

The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, the public agency which owns and operates public open space areas on the San Francisco Peninsula, has passed the following resolution, calling for the required trails through Stanford land.

Resolution No. 01-28

Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Midpeninsula Regional Open
Space District Urging Stanford University to Offer, and Santa Clara County
to Require, Dedication of Two Trail Alignments in Accordance with the Countywide Trails Master Plan as Stanford Agreed to do During the General Use Permit Process

Whereas, Stanford University provides vast economic and cultural benefits to the communities of the San Francisco Peninsula and has correspondingly significant environmental impacts; and

Whereas, Stanford University is subject to the same General Plan, zoning, and other land use controls and standards as any other private institution; and

Whereas, the 2000 Stanford University General Use Permit and Community Plan states, "Stanford shall dedicate easements for, develop, and maintain the portions of the two trail alignments which cross Stanford lands shown in the 1995 Santa Clara Countywide Trails Master Plan (Routes S1 and C1) …"; and

Whereas, the Route C1 trail alignment change proposed by Stanford in a letter to the County of Santa Clara on August 31, 2001 does not meet the conditions of the General Use Permit because portions of the trail would not be on Stanford lands, nor within Santa Clara County; and

Whereas, Stanford’s proposed S1 trail change does not provide connectivity with trails in Palo Alto’s Arastradero Preserve as designated by the Countywide Trails Master Plan; and

Whereas, Stanford’s proposed S1 trail underpass at the intersection of Highway 280 and Arastradero Road is an undesirable detour for public trail uses.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Board of Directors of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District urges Stanford University to offer, and Santa Clara County to require, trail dedications in conformance with Countywide Trails Master Plan, as Stanford agreed to do during the General Use Permit process that:

Provides two trails on Stanford lands in Santa Clara County that are: 1) designed to easily connect with existing and planned trails in surrounding communities; 2) safe and designed to avoid busy intersections such as the Highway 280 vehicular underpasses; 3) away from riparian corridors and other sensitive ecosystems; 4) designed for recreational use rather than transportation; 5) dedicated in their entirety by the General Use Permit’s required December 12, 2001 deadline; and 6) constructed in conformance with Santa Clara County trail standards.

Furthermore, Be It Resolved that the Board of Directors of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District supports the Stanford Trails Position Paper prepared by a coalition of groups, including the Committee for Green Foothills and the Stanford Open Space Alliance, calling for: 1) utilization of existing livestock tunnels under Highway 280; 2) utilization of existing trails and gates; and 3) consideration for the most direct routes to the Arastradero Preserve trails so as to provide for an effective regional trail system.

Adopted unanimously by the Board of Directors of the Midpeninsula Open Space District on October 24, 2001.

This site is operated by a group of Stanford-area people, many of whom are Stanford alumni.
It is not an official site of Stanford University.
Last update November 3, 2001.